Saturday 20 June 2015

“Political Will” contradicts resolve to win war against terrorism in Pakistan?

Maj. Gen. Asim Saleem Bajwa, the Director General of the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) of Pakistan believes that Pakistan Army is facing political impediments to achieve the maximum results from anti terrorism National Action Plan (NAP).

He shared his mind with Russian top news agency Sputnik while giving a short on spot interview during his visit to Army-2105 Defence hardware exhibition held in Moscow during June 16 to 19.
Maj. Gen. Asim Saleem Bajwa during his interview was of the view that some parts of the National Action Plan have already been initiated while other aspects require more time due to political challenges.
What political challenges are being faced by Army?, are quite clear to people of Pakistan but foreign countries cannot understand these aspect easily.
People still remember how operation against terrorists was delayed by political parties including sitting government for negotiations with those terrorists who were slitting throats of people and were seen playing football with slit heads of soldiers of Pakistan army in video footage released by TTP on social media. Operation Zarb-e-Azb was delayed for over six months due to political pressures and these six months were crucial for terrorists to plan their reaction to action and to consolidate their positions and resources.
After initiating Zarb-e-Azb, the core issue was to detect and chock funding routes of terrorists. Majority of funding routes were detected to link with foreign countries. A lot of money is coming from gulf countries as religious charity that is ultimately ending at the hands of terrorists.
Intelligence reports claim that another source of big funding for terrorists is based in Karachi. Terrorists are using different names and faces to collect money on the name of religious charity in Karachi while a share of money coming from smuggling and other businesses linked with Afghan transit trade is also going to terrorist.
Some political parties are allegedly involved for giving a share of money they are earning from illegal sources. According to sources, smuggling mafia, transport mafia, land mafia, money extortion mafia, drug mafia and gun running mafia present in Karachi are giving a share to Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).
Pakistan Rangers in Karachi is taking action against all those who are directly or indirectly linked with terrorist network but leadership of Pakistan Rangers is under serve criticism coming from Political parties because ruling elite in Karachi is somehow or other behind this funding going to terrorist networking.
The recent unexpected statement of former President Asif Ali Zardari who is also head of Pakistan People’s party (PPP) against sitting leadership of Pakistan Army is not different then statement of provincial minister of Punjab Rana Sanaullah Khan who belongs to Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) as both criticized Pakistan Rangers for its action against the world of Mafia in Karachi.
The political situation in Pakistan indicates that political parties including treasury and opposition are afraid of action against mafia—those who are funding terrorism in Pakistan.
Pakistan is fighting a decisive war against terrorism and this war is being executed by Pakistan Army and supported by majority of people of Pakistan but it looks that political parties are shy to stand 100% with the nation in this war because their stakes are high and their personal fears are building up.

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