Friday 29 May 2015

Balochistan: Demonstrations around the World to Denounce Pakistani Nuclear Weapons

The Baloch Diaspora is organizing for 28 May 2015 simultaneous protests around the world to denounce the Pakistani nuclear threat. The international campaign #NoToPakistaniNukes and #28MayBlackDay was launched last April by Pro-liberation Baloch activists and Baloch leader Hyrbyair Marri and aims at drawing attention to the atrocities that the Pakistani nuclear programme has caused to the Baloch people. Besides a threat to peace, mysterious diseaseshave been reported since the first nuclear tests took place in the region. The protests will take place in the UK, Canada, Germany, Norway, Sweden and South Korea. 

Below is an article published by Balochwarna News

Baloch Diaspora activists have announced protest demonstrations on Thursday, 28 May, 2015 in different countries to highlight the threats of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons to world peace and to expose Pakistan’s atrocities against Baloch people.
The simultaneous protests are part of the international campaign that Pro-liberation Baloch activists and Baloch leader Hyrbyair Marri had announced in April and the first protest was held on 19 April in Germany’s Dusseldorf city followed by a Protest in Sweden on 1st May, another protest and awareness campaign in Canada on 12 May and a protest demonstration in London on 17 May 2015.
The final protests of this campaign are scheduled on 28 May 2015 where simultaneous protests will be held in London, Glasgow, Germany, Canada, Sweden, Norway, and South Korea and in Balochistan. On this day (28 May, 2015) Pakistan conducted six nuclear tests in Chaghai district, Balochistan.
Since the blasts there have been reports of mysterious diseases in the area. Each year Baloch nation protests against Pakistan’s nuclear explosions in their land and demands for removal these deadly nuclear weapons from Balochistan. Pakistan, however, made Balochistan a no-go area of media and human rights activists.
During the series of protests and on 28 May Baloch activists will also run an online campaign using hashtags:#NoToPakistaniNukes and #28MayBlackDay to highlight the effects of Pakistani nuclear explosions on Baloch people and also to expose Pakistan’s other crimes against humanity including military operations, enforced-disappearances and in-custody killings of Baloch activists.
Regional observers believe that Pakistan’s breeding ground for the religious extremist organisation and these organisations like Al-Qaeeda and ISIS have are trying to get their hands on Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. Recently the extremists groups have increased their activities in Pakistan and many small terrorist organisations have already pledged allegiance to ISIS which make it even easier for the ISIS to find new recruits in Pakistan. There are also reports that many senior officials within the Pakistan army are sympathetic to the anti-western extremist organisations.
They requested all Baloch activists and other human rights defenders to join their protests to show your support for Baloch people.

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